Oliver Schöller, Weert Canzler und Andreas Knie (Hg.): Handbuch Verkehrspolitik. Wiesbaden 2007. 963 S.

In the present publication, 45 reputable scientists, in 38 contributions offer a comprehensive overview of the current status of debate on the important topics concerning transport policy. The individual contributions consider the topic from the perspective of different disciplines and predominantly focus, in terms of area, on the Federal Republic of Germany, in which they are as manifold in their results and conclusions respectively as the political domain of transport policy itself.
In addition to the economic significance of transportation, environmental and socio-political factors have been increasingly emerging into focal view in recent years. Finally, there is no political area in professional circles as well as in public that is linked with such a high investment as the domain of transport policy - ultimately, road, rail or even airport new and extension projects costing millions (of Euros), are shaping the face of our towns (and cities) and regions. However, transport operations are more than just an economic factor, since they are directly associated with social development processes. Increasingly more social and, in particular, ecological advantages - first and foremost, costs - are facing the would-be economic advantages of transport. Naturally, the question must be asked as to what extent the current transport practice can be modified, e.g. by promoting public and freight transportation. Still its success to date could not largely be achieved in the anticipated framework, because the selection behaviour of transport modes is not effected according to purely rational criteria.
In the present publication, the authors pursue many important questions, for example, who are the driving forces for transportation in modern societies or what can transport policy at all achieve in the light of own-dynamic, economic and social developments? Moreover, the question arises as to which role the municipalities and regions play in the federal system, where most of the transport service is run, or what unintended effects of transport policy look like? However, equally important current issues in direct interaction with transport policy, such as the subject of climate change, demographic change and the crisis concerning public financial budgets along with many other issues, are dealt with in detail.
The editors have achieved their goal by producing this thick handbook on transport policy of almost 1,000 pages, which ascribe to the various and indeed, completely contradictory transport phenomena on their socio-political basis. Last but not least, the interdisciplinary selection of 45 authors opens up a new dimension in transport policy to readers and with this, an increased knowledge-value on how relations in transport can be modified.    
Autor: Thomas J. Mager

Quelle: Erdkunde, 61. Jahrgang, 2007, Heft 4, S. 387